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How to Get an OpenAI API Key for ChatGPT?


Hello, it’s Radzivon from Latenode. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of obtaining an API key from OpenAI, which will allow you to access powerful language models like GPT-3, GPT-4, and Codex. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of why you need an API key, how to create one, and how to troubleshoot common issues.

Key Takeaways:  To get an OpenAI API key, sign up and verify your account at platform.openai.com. Generate and securely store your API key, as it cannot be retrieved later. Set up billing information and usage limits to manage costs effectively, and ensure you follow OpenAI's usage guidelines and terms of service.

ChatGPT-4o はLatenode - Your plarform for Business Automation で無料でお試しいただけます。

Why Do I Need an OpenAI API Key?

An openAI key is your gateway to harnessing the power of advanced AI models developed by OpenAI. With an API key, you can:

  • Access state-of-the-art language models like GPT-3, GPT-4, and Codex
  • Perform tasks such as natural language understanding, generation, and translation
  • Generate human-like text for chatbots, content creation, and more
  • Write, analyze, and optimize code snippets using AI-powered tools
  • Seamlessly integrate AI capabilities into your own applications and services
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest AI models without the need for manual updates or maintenance
  • Scale your AI-powered services cost-effectively based on your usage requirements

Whether you're a developer looking to build innovative applications, a researcher exploring the frontiers of AI, or a business seeking to enhance your products with cutting-edge language technology, an openAI key is an essential tool in your arsenal.

Is an OpenAI API Key Free?

OpenAI offers a free trial for new users, providing $5 worth of API credits upon signing up. This allows you to explore and test the capabilities of their APIs without incurring any initial costs. However, it's important to note that the free trial credit expires after 3 months.

Once you've exhausted your free credit or reached the 3-month expiration date, you'll need to provide billing information to continue using the OpenAI API. OpenAI operates on a pay-per-use model, where charges are based on the number of tokens processed by the API. The pricing varies depending on the specific model you're using, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, or Codex.

To give you an idea of the costs involved, here are some pricing examples for popular OpenAI models:

  • GPT-4: $0.03 per 1,000 tokens for prompt input, $0.06 per 1,000 tokens for model output
  • GPT-3.5 (including ChatGPT): $0.0015 per 1,000 tokens
  • DALL-E (image generation): $0.016 per 1024x1024 image, $0.018 per 512x512 image

For a comprehensive overview of OpenAI's pricing structure, visit their official pricing page.

Where Do I Find My Secret OpenAI API Key?

Once you've created an OpenAI account and logged in, you can find your API key by following these steps:

  • Navigate to platform.openai.com and ensure you're logged in to your account.
  • Click on your profile icon located in the top-right corner of the page.
  • From the dropdown menu, select "View API Keys."
  • You will be directed to the API Keys section of your account dashboard, where your active API key will be displayed.

It's crucial to remember that for security reasons, OpenAI only allows you to view your API key once during the creation process. After you generate a new key, make sure to copy and store it in a secure location, as you won't be able to retrieve it again from the dashboard.

How Do I Get an OpenAI API Key?

Now that you understand the importance of an API key and where to find it, let's dive into the step-by-step process of obtaining one:


まずは platform.openai.comにアクセスし、「サインアップ」ボタンをクリックしてください。メールアドレスを使用して新規アカウントを作成するか、既存のGoogleまたはMicrosoftアカウントを使用してサインアップすることができます。画面の指示に従って登録を完了してください。



3.OpenAI アカウントにログイン



ログイン後、ページの右上にあるアカウントアイコンを見つけてください。それをクリックしてドロップダウンメニューを表示し、"APIキーを表示 "を選択します。アカウントダッシュボードのチャットgpt APIキーセクションに移動します。


API Keysセクションに、新しいopenAIのシークレットキーを作成するオプションがあります。Create new secret key "ボタンをクリックしてください。鍵の名前を入力するようプロンプトが表示されます。名前を入力したら、"Create secret key "をクリックして新しいAPIキーを生成します。


新しいAPIキーが生成されると、画面に表示されます。このキーをコピーし、パスワードマネージャーや暗号化されたファイルなど、安全な場所に保存することが重要です。OpenAI は、セキュリティ上の理由から、この時点以降、API キーを再び表示することを許可しないことを覚えておいてください。

7. Set Up Billing

To use your API key and access OpenAI's services, you need to set up billing information in your account. Navigate to the "Billing" section of your dashboard and click on "Payment methods." Follow the instructions to add a valid payment method, such as a credit card.

8. Set Usage Limits

To help control your API usage costs, OpenAI provides the option to set usage limits. In the "Usage limits" section of your dashboard, you can specify hard and soft limits for your monthly spending. This feature ensures that you don't accidentally exceed your budget and helps you manage your API consumption responsibly.

9. Follow OpenAI's Usage Guidelines

Before starting to use your API key, it's essential to familiarize yourself with OpenAI's use case policy and terms of service. These guidelines outline the acceptable use of their APIs and the responsibilities you have as a user. Make sure to review and comply with these policies to maintain access to OpenAI's services.

ChatGPT-4o はLatenode - Your plarform for Business Automation で無料でお試しいただけます。


LatenodeOpenAIのGPT-4のシームレスな統合は、独自のインフラ上にモデルを展開する複雑さなしに、会話AIの可能性を活用する強力なツールをユーザーに提供します。このプラットフォームの直感的なビジュアルエディタは、APIを介してGPT-4を他のシステムと統合するプロセスを合理化し、企業はAIの洗練された言語理解と生成機能を自動化プロセスに簡単に組み込むことができます。Latenode を使用することで、ユーザーはGPT-4の強力なAIビジョン機能、タスク自動化、調査支援、データ分析などの機能に便利にアクセスすることができます。また、この統合により、ユーザーは特定のニーズや予算に応じて、GPT-4の異なるバージョンをシームレスに切り替えることができます。質問に対する回答を生成するtelegram用チャットボットを作成する簡単なスクリプトの例です。スクリプトはこんな感じです:

そして、このシナリオの結果がこれだ。Latenode を使ってすでに作成されたチャットボットが、与えられた質問に答えてくれる:

このスクリプトとLatenode との統合については、こちらの記事で詳しく説明しています。Latenode との統合には、いくつかの重要な利点があります:

  • 使いやすさ:LatenodeGPT-4との統合により、AIの利用プロセスが簡素化され、専門知識を持たないユーザーでも必要なAI機能にアクセスし、理解することが容易になります。これにより、企業は豊富な技術的専門知識を必要とすることなく、AIソリューションを迅速かつ容易に導入することができる。
  • 柔軟な価格設定:Latenode の統合により、ユーザーはGPT-4のさまざまなバージョンからコストと機能を選択できるようになり、企業や個人にとってより利用しやすく、手頃な価格のオプションとなりました。
  • 包括的なAIソリューションLatenodeGPT-4の統合により、ユーザーは複雑なタスクから単純なクエリまで、幅広いAI機能を利用できるようになり、汎用性の高い強力なAIプラットフォームとなっている。
  • カスタマイズ:Latenode の統合により、ユーザーは特定のニーズに合わせてGPT-4をカスタマイズすることができ、ビジネス目標や目的に沿ったオーダーメイドのAIソリューションを構築することができる。

Latenode 、すでに作成されているチャットボットが、与えられた質問に答えてくれる:

独自のスクリプトを作成する方法についてヘルプやアドバイスが必要な場合、またはこのスクリプトを複製したい場合は、次の連絡先までご連絡ください。 ディスコードコミュニティにご連絡ください。

Troubleshooting OpenAI API Key Issues

Despite following the steps carefully, you may occasionally encounter issues with your OpenAI key API. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

OpenAI Incorrect API Key Provided

If you receive an "Incorrect  API Key Provided" error, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Double-check for typos: Carefully review the open API key you've entered, ensuring there are no typing errors or extra spaces.
  • Verify you're using the correct key: Make sure you're using the appropriate API key for the specific application or project you're working on.
  • Clear your browser data: Sometimes, cached data can interfere with API key validation. Clear your browser cache and cookies, then try accessing your key again.
  • Generate a new key: If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you may need to generate a new API key and replace the old one in your application.

OpenAI API Key Not Working

If you find that your openAI API  login is not working as expected, consider the following suggestions:

  • Check the API status: Visit OpenAI's status page to check for any reported issues or outages that may be affecting the API.
  • Review key expiration: If you're on a free trial, your API key will expire after 3 months. Check if your key has expired and upgrade to a paid plan if necessary.
  • Monitor your usage: Ensure that you haven't exceeded your usage limits. If you have, consider adjusting your limits or upgrading your plan to accommodate your needs.
  • Update billing information: Verify that your billing information is up to date and your payment method is valid. Expired or declined payments can lead to API access being suspended.

If you've tried these troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues with your API key, don't hesitate to reach out to OpenAI's support team for further assistance.


Obtaining an OpenAI APIkey is a straightforward process that unlocks a world of possibilities in the realm of AI-powered language technology. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create an account, generate an API key, and start integrating OpenAI's cutting-edge models into your applications and projects.

Remember to keep your API key secure, set appropriate usage limits, and adhere to OpenAI's guidelines for responsible use. If you encounter any issues along the way, refer to the troubleshooting tips provided and don't hesitate to seek support when needed.

With an OpenAI API key at your disposal, you have the power to build groundbreaking applications, streamline workflows, and push the boundaries of what's possible with AI. Whether you're a developer, researcher, or business owner, OpenAI's APIs offer endless opportunities to innovate and transform your projects.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey with OpenAI today and unlock the potential of advanced language AI!

ChatGPT-4o はLatenode - Your plarform for Business Automation で無料でお試しいただけます。


How to Use an OpenAI API Key?

To start using your OpenAI API key, follow these steps:

  • Obtain an API key: Generate an API key from your OpenAI account dashboard, as described in the guide above.
  • Install the OpenAI Python library: Run pip install openai in your terminal to install the official OpenAI Python package.
  • Set your API key: Set your API key as an environment variable or pass it directly in your code when initializing the OpenAI library.
  • Make API requests: Use the OpenAI library functions to make requests to the desired API endpoints, providing your API key for authentication.

For detailed instructions and code examples, consult the OpenAI API documentation.

Why Do I Need an OpenAI API Key?

An OpenAI API key serves several important purposes:

  • Access to advanced AI models: API keys grant you access to OpenAI's powerful AI models, such as GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL-E, Codex, and more.
  • Integration with your applications: With an API key, you can seamlessly integrate OpenAI's AI capabilities into your own software, services, and products.
  • Customization and fine-tuning: API keys allow you to customize and fine-tune AI models to better suit your specific use case and requirements.
  • Security and authentication: API keys ensure secure access to OpenAI's services and help prevent unauthorized use of your account ChatGPT openAI login.

Do OpenAI API Keys Expire?

The expiration of OpenAI API keys depends on the type of key you have:

  • Free trial keys: If you're using a free trial key, it will expire 3 months after your account creation date. Once the free trial ends or you exhaust the $5 credit, you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan to continue using the API.
  • Paid keys: API keys associated with paid plans do not expire as long as your account remains in good standing and your billing information is up to date. However, OpenAI reserves the right to revoke API keys if your usage violates their terms of service.

What Is the OpenAI API Pricing?

OpenAI employs a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where costs are based on the number of tokens processed by the API. The pricing varies depending on the specific model you're using:

  • GPT-4: $0.03 per 1,000 tokens for prompt input, $0.06 per 1,000 tokens for model output
  • GPT-3.5 (including ChatGPT): $0.0015 per 1,000 tokens
  • DALL-E: $0.016 per 1024x1024 image generation, $0.018 per 512x512 image generation

For a comprehensive breakdown of pricing for all available models, refer to OpenAI's official pricing page.

Can I Share My OpenAI API Key?

No, you should never share your OpenAI API key openAI with anyone. API keys are sensitive information, similar to passwords, and are meant to be kept private and secure. Sharing your key can lead to unauthorized access to your account, API abuse, and potential charges to your billing information.

If you suspect that your API key has been compromised or accidentally shared, it's crucial to revoke the key immediately and generate a new one from your OpenAI account dashboard. This will help prevent any unauthorized use of your account and ensure the security of your projects.


